

Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Accomodation You may wish to ensure that any accommodation you are booking has an en-suite bathroom. Your travel agent should know, or it may be worth contacting the hotel yourself, and asking for written confirmation. Some people worry about having an ‘accident’ when staying away from home. You…
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Avoiding Deep Vein Thrombosis

Symptoms and Complications, Travel
Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Avoiding deep vein thrombosis Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or blood clots can be a risk for anyone sitting still on a long journey. Long haul flights lasting over 4 hours are thought to be more likely to cause blood clots, but long journeys by car, bus or train…
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Countries with High Tuberculosis (TB) Burden

Diagnostics & Testing, Travel, Treatment
Nurses, Patients & Families, Researchers & Doctors
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Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Dehydration In hot weather, or if you have had diarrhea, you will need to take care not to become dehydrated. Symptoms of dehydration include thirst, a dry mouth, headaches, dark colored urine and tiredness. It helps to avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest hours and to drink plenty of non-alcoholic…
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Emergency Travel Kit

Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Emergency Travel Kit You may find it helpful to pack an ‘emergency travel kit’ containing everything needed to clean up in case you have an accident. This could contain: a supply of pads, pants, alcohol-free wet wipes, tissues, sanitary disposal bags for soiled pants, disposable gloves and an…
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Medical Documents

Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Medical documents It may help to have certain medical documents and information to hand once you are away. Examples include: A medical summary of your condition, history and any known allergies, as well as a plan for a flare-up, should one happen. Talk to your doctor about these before you…
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Travel, Treatment
Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Medications TAKING MEDICINES ABROAD If possible, try to take enough medication for your whole trip, as well as extra in case of delays, to ensure you do not run out. If your medication has to be kept refrigerated, you could store it in a small cool bag, obtainable from…
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Sun Exposure

Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Sun exposure While it is important for everyone to protect themselves from the effects of the sun, you will need to take even more care if you are on immunosuppressive drug treatments for your IBD. These include azathioprine, mercaptopurine and methotrexate, any of which will make your skin more sensitive…
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Patients & Families, Teens & Young Adults
Transport You may be travelling on holiday via car, bus, train, ferry or aeroplane. Whichever way you are travelling, there are issues that you may wish to consider. If you are travelling by car, you may wish to check the location of accessible toilet facilities when planning your…
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