How does IBD affect other parts of the body?
IBD can also cause problems outside the gut. Some people with IBD develop conditions affecting the joints, eyes or skin. These can be known as extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) and often occur during active disease, but they can develop before any signs of bowel disease or during times of remission. Many of these are not very common.
Inflammation of the joints, often known as arthritis, is a common complication of IBD.
It is most common in those with Crohn’s Colitis (Crohn’s Disease in the colon) and also affects about one out of 10 people with UC.
The inflammation usually affects the large joints of the arms and legs, including the elbows, wrists, knees and ankles. Fluid collects in the joint space, causing painful swelling, although pain may occur without obvious swelling. Symptoms usually improve with treatment of intestinal symptoms, and there is generally no lasting damage to the joints. A few people develop swelling and pain in the smaller joints of the hands or feet. This may be longer lasting and persist even when the IBD is in remission.
Sometimes, the joints in the spine and pelvis become inflamed – a condition called ankylosing spondylitis (or sacroiliitis, in its less severe form). This can flare-up independently of IBD. It often causes pain over the sacroiliac joints, on either side of the lower part of the spine. Stiffness and pain in the spine itself may eventually lead to loss of flexibility.
Symptoms usually improve with treatment for intestinal symptoms and there is generally no lasting damage to the joints. A few people develop swelling and pain in the smaller joints of the hands or feet. This may be longer lasting and may persist even when the IBD is in remission. Drugs and physiotherapy can be helpful in treating these symptoms and the condition is usually managed jointly by rheumatology and gastroenterology specialists.
IBD can also cause skin problems. The most common skin problem is erythema nodosum, which affects about one in seven people with IBD, and is more common in women than men. It consists of raised tender red or violet swellings 1.5 cm in diameter, usually on the legs. This condition tends to occur during flare-ups and generally improves with treatment for IBD.
Another skin condition associated with IBD is Sweet’s Syndrome, where tender red nodules appear on the upper limbs, face and neck, sometimes with a fever. It is generally associated with active IBD, and can be treated by steroids or immunosuppressants.
More rarely, people with IBD may develop a condition known as pyoderma gangrenosum. This starts as small tender blisters, which become painful, deep ulcers. These can occur anywhere on the skin, but most commonly appear on the shins or near stomas. This condition is sometimes, but not always linked to an IBD flare-up. It is often treated by a dermatologist with topical therapy, but may need drug therapy with steroids, immunosuppressants or biological therapy.
Anemia is one of the most common complications of IBD. If you are anemic it means you have fewer red blood cells than normal and/or lower levels of hemoglobin in your blood (hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells and carries oxygen around the body).
There are several different types of anemia.
People with IBD are most likely to develop iron deficiency anemia. This can be caused by a lack of iron in the diet, poor absorption of iron from food, or ongoing blood loss. Blood loss from the bowel commonly causes anemia in people with Crohn’s, even if the blood loss is not visible. It is important to try and ensure a good intake of foods containing iron to help prevent anemia.
Another type of anemia is vitamin deficiency anemia, caused by a low intake or poor absorption of certain vitamins, such as vitamin B12 or folic acid. This may particularly affect people with Crohn’s who have had sections of the small intestine removed. Some of the drugs used for IBD (for example, sulphasalazine and azathioprine) can also cause anemia.
If the anemia is very mild, there may be few or no symptoms. With more severe anemia, the main symptoms are chronic (ongoing) tiredness and fatigue. You might also develop shortness of breath, headaches and general weakness. How anemia is treated will depend on its cause. For iron deficiency anemia you may be prescribed iron supplements as tablets or as IV (intravenous) iron, which is given by injection or in an infusion through a drip. Some people with IBD find that they cannot tolerate iron by mouth, so are given IV iron which can be more effective. For vitamin deficiency anemia you may be given extra B12 or folic acid, as tablets or by injection.