We are often a lot more sensitive to our own smells than other people are. However, if you are concerned about odors, you might find some of the ideas on the following page helpful.

  • Try to ensure that the room you are in is well ventilated.

  • Light a scented candle, an aromatherapy oil burner (try lavender or lemon oil) or incense stick.

  • Some people find that aerosol air fresheners can help mask smells. Try a solid block freshener that works all the time or a freshener that releases a fragrance at regular intervals.

  • Use neutralizing sprays or gels that help eliminate rather than mask odors.

  • Wear underwear or pads that absorb gas.

  • Use a seat cushion that filters gas.


Some people have found herbal remedies helpful in reducing wind. You should tell your doctor if you are taking any herbal remedies. The following suggestions have not been scientifically proven to relieve symptoms, but may be worth trying.

  • Aloe Vera gels

  • Charcoal tablets

  • Cranberry juice

  • Fresh parsley

  • Herbal infusions, such as camomile, fennel or peppermint

  • Peppermint oil

Some people with IBS have found that some probiotics are helpful in reducing flatulence and wind. Probiotics are a mixture of live ‘friendly’ (beneficial) bacteria taken by mouth. They can be found in some specially fermented yogurt drinks or in tablet form. However, more research is needed on the overall effectiveness of probiotics, and whether they help to reduce flatulence and wind for people with IBD. If you are thinking of taking probiotics, speak to your doctor or our IBD team.
